Where engineering gets down to business.
Inventions become Innovations
Trulstech Group International Business Network's vision is not merely to invent, but to innovate and revolutionize technology in the current market to let R&D engineering gets down to business.
Trulstech Group International Business Network works across a range of different technologies, making inventions to become innovations.
The innovation portfolio of Trulstech Group International Business Network includes a broad spectrum of successful R&D engineering knowedge in advanced technics.
Licenses available - Q3/2024
Licenses of the absolute toxic-free IP technology product developments regarding fire fighting products, cleaning, impregnation respectively disinfection products.
All are available regarding North America, South America, India, South-East Asia, Central & South Europe.
We hope you will enjoy visiting the website to know more about
Trulstech Group International Business Network,
the on-going projects and global network of companies engaged.
Yours Sincerely,
Mats Nilsson
Biomimetic Technology Ltd is an independent UK company
that belongs to Trulstech Group International Business Network
Bio-Eco & MHE products in -
Check our latest News and sign up for the newsletter.
Biomimetic Technology Ltd - the British public holding company - the hub of Bio-Eco & MHE technology IP offer a wide variety of products for different applications.
All products are free from classified hazardous chemicals, according to ECHA/REACH pesticide register.
Bio-Eco & MHE product range, features products for different cleaning applications, machine washing, surface protection, fire resistance/ retardants/ /suppressants/ for natural fibre respectively synthetic materials, as well as products for wild forest fire fighting, both active as wells as preventive.
Contact us
To get more information about
the unique and game changing State-of-the Art -
the absolute toxic-free additives & standalone products.
>>License Agreements available<<
please, kindly send an E-Mail to us:
Biomimetic Technology Ltd
Salatin House, 19 Ceder Road,
Sutton, SM2 5DA
United Kingdom
Please kindly visit also the following website addresses depending required language and perhaps to know more about our products:
www.trulstech.org (English
www.trulstech.eu (German)
www.youtube.com/trulstechgroup (English)