Bio-Eco products were developed as environmentally friendly and harmless alternatives for a wide variety of purposes: for cleaning, washing, impregnation, surface protection respectively disinfection to get rid of MRSA (multiresistent staphylococcus bacteria) and E-coli bacteria.
Bio-Eco liquid products contain an encapsulation of modified cellulose (a polysaccharide), developed by recycling of forest waste materials. Instead of burning the forest waste materials, the recycling reduces the CO2 (carbon dioxide) impact on the environment.
Each source of cellulose has a number of different minerals connected.
Together, the cellulose / minerals/ chemical composition, each one offers different advantages to be applied depending on the target application.
In that way, it makes a difference between using cellulose from spruce, respectively from pine or beech/ birch/ ash/ maple/ oak/ etc.
For example, cellulose extracted from spruce wood contains turpentine, that makes it good for cleaning applications.
Cellulose extracted from birch wood is recommended for impregnation to withstand ignition in contact with open flames.
Cellulose extracted from ash wood respectively beech wood both are recommended for a surface coating protection layer to withstand insects respectively road dust from getting stuck on the body of a vehicle.
By studying the vegetable kingdom focusing on microorganism - mould, algae, fungus and rot - it's obvious that some plants and trees respectively are better protected against microorganisms in the vegetable kingdom.
Cellulose extracted from such plants and trees respectively are recommended to be used for impregnation of natural fibre materials to withstand attacks from black mould, algae, fungus and rot.
By using the extracted cellulose chemical composition to encapsulate a number of different weak organic salts, each chemical composition carried out to meet the application in target, the requested function can be obtained in an extremely cost-effective way.
There are many product applications available concerning Bio-Eco liquid products of which cleaning, washing, impregnation and disinfection products dominates.
They are all complete outstanding in competition regarding functionality, in combination with being absolute free from any classified hazardous chemicals, compared with other similar application products on the global market.
Since cellulose does not dissolve in water, makes it useful in a number of applications.
Applied as a surface protection top coating layer on concrete, will strongly reduce the risk that frozen water bursting concrete.
Impregnation of natural fibre materials to withstand ignition in contact with open flames.
Impregnation to withstand black mould, fungus and rot attacks.
These are other product applications of highest market interest, especially for saw mill companies.
MHE products represent another complete outstanding family of cost-efficient products, without any classified hazardous chemicals, in nature biodegradable fire/flame retardant/suppressant/ resistant/ products, developed on low carbon sustainability innovation technology.
MHE FF respectively MHE PFF are developed for active respectively for preventive fire fighting, especially developed with focus on wild forest fires, and its surrounding area to reduce the spread of the wild forest fire to living areas, without polluting ground water respectively arable land, saving lives and properties etc.
MHE FF liquid is an excellent product to be used for putting out fires on board a marine unit, avoiding ocean water pollution.
Most fire/flame retardants/suppressants/resistants in use today contain many harmful chemicals (PFAS), that migrate from impregnated host materials, polluting the environment - ground water and soil.
Upon combustion these harmful chemicals release toxic gases that might kill or cause severe respiratory injuries to humans and other organic livings. These chemicals will frequently have a negative impact on human genes, which will affect future generations.
MHE products represent a family of fire retardants /fire supressants/ fire resistants / that only contains food grade chemicals (in approved quantities and concentrations) of a type found in daily foodstuffs, e.g., berries, grapes, fruit and bread.
The MHE powder products are developed by chemical reactions between weak organic acids and in-organic alkali hydroxides - creating an organic salt with adjustable pH.
The food grade chemical products have been consumed by humans during thousands of years, without any negative impact on health or environment.
Follow the links below to learn more about specific Bio-Eco® Products:
Bio-Eco® products are perfectly suited as eco friendly alternatives, especially when there is a desire to reduce the use of fossil fuels and thus synthetically manufactured products. All Bio-Eco® products are in nature biodegradable.